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Seducing Julie 5this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 5995 words) [5/5] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Dec 01 2023Views / Reads: 871 / 495 [57%]Part vote: 10.00 (12 votes)
A chaos filled day as Robert tries to distance himself from clingy, crazy Julie and get closer to friend and co-worker Kendra, while Melanie begins to wonder where she stands.

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I've written a lot of older women stories, involving an Aunt, Stepmom, friend's mom, neighbor, coworker or even mother in law. Seduction is my specialty, along with tease and exhibitionism. Despite so many dips in the pool, I'm going to the well one more time with an idea suggested by a reader and refined into a story after careful consideration. This is a completely different twist on the subject with a whole lot of tease and seduction. Some ideas and situations may mirror previous stories, but the end result will blow you away. The long delay between parts being posted never happened in the story and the time lapse between 2017 and 2023 is not mentioned. As far as the story is concerned, there was no delay between chapters. Parts 1-3 are in archive and were re-posted as part 4 recently. Recap will occur as part of the story and conversations. Thanks for reading.

I do not advocate or condone any of the conversations, situations or choices made in this story, it is just a story. Also, if you are easily offended or take issue with illicit sibling relationships, this may not be the story for you as this story will contain borderline taboo issues. To be clear, my editors Dennis, James and I were concerned about the chance of telling a risque story involving siblings, but just like how readers loved Josh and Julie from ALICIA AND THE BIKINI STORE, everyone loves Rob and Melanie.

Keep in mind, ES site rules are clear, and sex between siblings is forbidden, but I will have as much daring fun as I can. Or I should ...

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