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The car in the woodsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 3115 words)

Author: slobuild
Added: Jun 02 2024Views / Reads: 2576 / 2002 [78%]Story vote: 9.57 (21 votes)
A guy sees a car parked in the woods with two occupants. After a mental tussle he stops to investigate.

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I have always been fascinated by the idea of sex with a stranger outdoors. I have never dared seek it out though and if I am absolutely honest, I am not that sure about how to go about finding it.

Well, all that changed last week. Tuesday to be precise.

I had worked late because of a sales meeting that went on into the evening and then there was a buffet. So, it was around ten pm as I was heading home from work. It was dark. I took my usual route through some little used lanes and sleepy villages and then through some woodlands.

It is a single-track road through the woods. There is a tall hedge on one side of the road and no verge. There is a hedge on the right too but a wide verge on that side. About halfway through the woods I could see a car parked in a gateway. As I approached, the interior light came on in the car and I could see that there were two occupants. A man and a woman.

"I wonder what they are up to," I said to myself. "Probably heading into the woods for some fun."

I looked across at them as I went past quite slowly because of an approaching bend. Both fully clothed. Probably about to take their dog for a late walk then.


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