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A wide Awakeningthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:fetish, 1871 words)

Author: Miss Kitty
Added: Dec 03 2001Views / Reads: 2836 / 2496 [88%]Story vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
Three youngsters, just graduated from high school and curious about sex, ventured off on a first-time experimentation of sex and golden showers.

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High school had just got out for the summer. I was dumbstruck. We had graduated this year. No more school. Well, some of us were going on to college, others weren't. It was crazy to think that we were already adults. Well, not really. At least not me. Try as I might, I haven't scored yet. All my friends have, it's kinda embarassing. I let them think I have by making very vague comments when they how a date went with so and so. In reality, the most I've done is felt this girl's tits, through her clothes. I tried to get near her box, but she pushed my hand away, angrily. I went home with a raging hard-on.

I was walking down my street, having come back from visiting a buddy when I saw two of my oldest friends walking towards me. "Hi, Mark!" called Hannah, happily. She was with Sara. These were girls I had went to preschool with. I had known them for so long, but being the horny guy I am, I realized that they had grown up.

Hannah had long blond hair and a prefect 10 body, if you know what I mean. Her waist seemed tiny compared to her hips and her tits, wow! She really began to dress skanky, in a nice way, when she began to develop. Not that I minded. Sara was smaller. She had these tiny tits. They were just swollen little nipples. She never wore a bra, you could tell. Something about those little buds, showing through her thin T-shorts just made me crazy.

I stopped to talk, and the girls were giggling like crazy, obviously ...

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