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The conservativethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 1662 words)

Author: Molly
Added: Jun 03 2000Views / Reads: 2326 / 1449 [62%]Story vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
Baby - I thought you were too conservative, boring even, but then came the party, the one I did not want to go to, and it changed my view of you forever. It is amazing what you can do in public, without anyone realising, well... almost.

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I did not want to go to this party, but it was your best friends birthday and you felt that we had to make an appearance. So here we are, and I am really not enjoying myself. I am drinking too much and feel like such a wallflower sitting on this couch. You are being the perfect gentleman, staying with me and not leaving me on my own. Either you feel guilty, or you are feeling a little jealous of the looks I am getting. I am wearing the skirt you always liked, the long wrap around one, that opens slightly when I walk, giving glimpses of my long shapely thigh, and that nice white silk blouse that seems to hug my figure ever so slightly. I glance at you, sitting next to me on the couch, and wonder what you are thinking.

You seem to be having a good time, talking to your friends, laughing at something that Peter, standing in front of you, is telling you. I cannot hear what is being said. The music is too loud. I smile at Peter's look, hoping it is the right response, but my mind is elsewhere. I am wondering how to get you out of this party. I have wonderful plans for us tonight.

Someone approaches Peter and talks to him. With unheard words, and apologetic hand motions, Peter walks off with, some seemingly important mission in mind. I decide then, that it is now or never. I leaned towards you and whispered in your ear,

"Darling, I forgot to mention a little surprise I have for you. I am ...

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