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The next daythis story is part of the FanClub (ff:one-on-one, 3344 words)

Author: Morgoth 108 Picture in profile
Added: Jun 04 2002Views / Reads: 1287 / 939 [73%]Story vote: 9.50 (2 votes)
It proves very hard waiting to be with Sue again. (See 'Where it all started').

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It was hard getting through the next day. I had overslept a little and so had to get going in a rush. There were three meetings lined up for the day, and one of them was really important so I had to be on top form. If I was going to lie to myself I'd try to pretend that the butterflies in my stomach were just about making everything go right at my three o'clock meeting, but the truth was that I could hardly wait for the evening. Sue was obviously staying for another night - her note implied that - and I was here for two more (at least if the meeting went well).

Two of my meetings were with different departments of the same client in a nearby town, and so I had a 30 minute drive to start the day. God - I was so confused. It was a good job I could handle these first two meetings on auto-pilot (more or less) because my head was all over the place. What could you call what had happened last night? Had I suddenly discovered I was a lesbian after several years of satisfying, fulfilling heterosexual relationships? Can you pick up a virus that can do that to you? ('Ridiculous' I told myself, but less than 24 hours ago I would have said that what had happened last night was impossible). Was last night just an experiment - too much to drink and an anonymous opportunity? But that did not seem to fit the bill either. Whenever I thought of Sue I went all mushy inside - like I was a teenager again. I liked it but it was really embarrassing. Several times on that drive over to the neighbouring town I gave a little prayer of thanks to the inventor of panty-liners - without them I would ...

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