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Author: MorganHawke Picture in profile
Added: Aug 02 2002Views / Reads: 2582 / 2042 [79%]Story vote: 9.11 (9 votes)
A Satanic stripper is conjured to demonic duty in Medieval Paris.

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A Satanic Stripper is Conjured to Demonic Duty in Medieval Paris...

By Morgan Hawke

For: Jessica, My Lady Malora

Prologue Toronto, Canada in winter. Modern day...

"There really is nothing like a tanning bed to keep you warm in the winter," Cassandra commented. With a pleased sigh Cassandra rolled naked, out of the huge tanning bed. The basement of Marco's old Victorian mansion was normally chilly, but after spending quality time lounging under the electric sun, she felt nice and toasty warm. Lazily she stood up and stretched.

Marco's house was huge and dark and really old, like something out of a scary black and white, gothic horror movie. The whole thing was done in black and gray with heavily carved old fashioned furniture and dark paintings of strange people in weird settings. Touches of scarlet were scattered here and there throughout his home, like the voluminous velvet curtains on the huge smoked windows and the sheets on his massive bed.


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