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Night Time Ritualthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 4351 words)

Author: Music is nice
Added: Sep 15 2002Views / Reads: 7002 / 6255 [89%]Story vote: 8.57 (7 votes)
My teacher, Ms Johnson, was gorgeous. She gave me a belated birthday present and a lot, lot more.

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Every night before I went to bed I had a routine - snack, drink, masturbation fest. I jerked off every night to mental images (some real, some imagined) of my teacher, Ms Johnson. Ms Johnson wasn't your "traditional" teacher - at 30, she was by far the sexiest woman at school. Everything was perfect - her tan legs that went on forever before disappearing underneath one of her tight, mid thigh skirts... her tight t-shirts accentuating her large C-cup breasts... her light red lips, sparkling white teeth, blond hair pulled back into a loose pony tail - she was gorgeous! Suffice to say, I wasn't the only one who had a nightly schedule. The most annoying thing was that you could just tell that she knew what type of effect she had on us... she certainly wasn't afraid to tease us either - she'd bend over her desk (showing off her wonderful, wonderful ass)... or, every so often, stretch her arms out to the side and above her head... you can imagine what that did.

One day, I put my hand up during an in class essay (I had a question)... she came over and leaned in to me, in the process rubbing her tits on my shoulder. Instant boner. The only problem was that, after hearing my question, she instructed me to come up to her desk. "Ok.." I said rather apprehensively, as I was in no shape to walk up to her desk. She headed back to her desk, and, when seeing that I hadn't got up from mine yet, said quite loudly "Kevin, what are you doing? If you want help, come up here now" - to be honest, she sounded a little pissed off. "Screw it" I thought and stood up. Boy, did my little member do ...

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