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Silver Liningthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 18756 words)

Author: Dallas Wonderland Picture in profile
Added: Oct 12 2002Views / Reads: 6790 / 5263 [78%]Story vote: 9.84 (19 votes)
A college boy and a married woman try to control their lust for one another....

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*********** Chapter 1 ***********

I laid stark naked in the center of the large bed. The room was dark and the window was open. The cool summer breeze caused my stiff dick to wave back and forth like a magic wand. The door was slightly ajar, allowing shiver of light to penetrate the darkness. I could hear her footsteps as she drew near. Each second seemed to be lasting a millennium. Finally, the door started to creak open on its rusty hinges.

The bright light silhouetted her magnificent figure, while at the same time obscuring the details. I could see the outline of her narrow waste, womanly hips, and full breasts, but I couldn't make out her face. Her hair was long and wavy, but the color was impossible to determine. She paused for a second, allowing me to savor the view. My body started to tremble with anticipation. I tried to sit up but found myself unable to move. All my extremities felt like lead—all except my cock, which continued to dance in the wind. It was burning with desire.

My attention snapped back to the doorway as she started to move. She slowly approached the bed. She leaned forward and kissed my cheek gently, and her hair tickled my face. She smelled like some exotic flower and I was immediately filled with lust. Suddenly I was able to move my arms and I used them to embrace her naked body. I pulled her ...

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