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Cousins Feetthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:fetish, 2443 words)

Author: matt
Added: Oct 31 2002Views / Reads: 3200 / 2492 [78%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
How i found out how i loved feet but more importantly my cousins

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I have had a foot fetish ever since I was a child. Unfortunately, I never had any avenues to satisfy my fondness for feet. During the course of my teenage years into my early twenties, I dated, made out, and went round the bases with girls my own age, and while I enjoyed a very normal sex life, I was in no position to explore my foot fetish. I kept my fetish strictly confidential. I would have been far too embarrassed to admit to any of my high school or college girlfriends that I was interested in their feet. So for the first 21 years of my life, my yearning to kiss and sniff pretty young feet was relegated to nothing more then masturbation fodder.

One summer when I was 22 years old, that all changed and I finally got my first real encounter with a pair of hot 'n' sexy feet. It was what I had been waiting for all my life. I just never would have imagined in my wildest dreams who's feet it would be that would finally satisfy my secret fetish.

My cousin Elizabeth is an extremely cute girl, she is about 5' 6", 116 pounds, fair skinned, short dark brown hair, blue eyes, nice firm b-cups, with very attractive well cared for feet. If I had to compare Elizabeth to someone famous, I would say she bares a resemblance to Bridget Fonda, but I think Elizabeth is much prettier. Elizabeth is 6 years younger then I, so at the time she was 17. She often would spend her summers with my family at my parents lakefront summer cottage in the green mountains of Vermont. ...

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