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A fantasy fulfilledthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 1201 words)

Author: Mscreamythighs
Added: Nov 17 2002Views / Reads: 2678 / 1816 [68%]Story vote: 8.17 (12 votes)
Dan knew that Mary really wanted a 3some with him and another guy...he is about to fulfill that dream.

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"Close your eyes little one, I've got a surprise for you", Dan told her. Mary quickly scrunched her eyes closed like a little kid. "No, you're going to peak, that won't do at all", he teased laughingly. With that he drew a black scarf from his pocket and tied it around her head. Once he was satisfied that she could not see he began unbuttoning her blouse. The cool air from the room made her shiver. Sliding the blouse from her shoulders, he stopped to admire the fullness of her breasts.

Before he became distracted, he reached around behind her and quickly unlatched her bra. Tugging it off set her large breasts swaying. He watched as her nipples puffed and hardened in the cool air. He bent his head for a lick, eliciting a soft moan from her.

He swiftly tugged her skirt off her hips, and allowed it to drop to the floor. He knelt before her and tenderly kissed her navel. Dan's tongue played in the crevice of her belly button. She tensed her stomach muscles in response to his wet caress.

Dan trailed his fingers over the white expanse of her flesh. Wrapping a hand around each hip. He dropped his head, inhaling the scent of her arousal. Gently her pressed his lips against the damp fabric of Mary's panties. Quickly, before he lost himself to her taste and smell, he gripped the fabric and slid it down her body. Allowing the panties to pool around her ankles. ...

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