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My Rainy Night Curfewthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1437 words)

Author: Moi
Added: Dec 13 2002Views / Reads: 995 / 862 [87%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
I met Andy when I was in High School, he had been my best friends and my waiter. I hustled up enough courage to leave my phone number with his tip and did he call? Oh yes he did, and much more.

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It had been 3 months after my 18th birthday and was nearing my High School Graduation. My best friend Julie and I were sitting at one of those restaurant/bar chains that were scattered throughout the United States awaiting are server to take our drink orders.

We sat and talked about the typical High School bullshit, topics ranging from boys, to grades, to what we were going to do after the Graduation when he approached our table. Our waiter was about 6 feet tall with short brown hair, brown eyes, and a cute set of glasses perched on his nose, giving him that smart yet older look. He had to be a college student, somewhere between the ages of 20 and 23.

"Hello ladies, my name is Andy and I will be your server tonight. What would you like to drink?"

Julie ordered a soda and I just sat there staring like a blubbering idiot, starring at his awesome body and his deep brown eyes.

" Same thing," I shyly spoke, blushing and burying my head in the menu.

Andy left us at the table and Julie grinned at me. She knew exactly what I was thinking.

He returned within minutes and took are order, me cringing in my seat the entire time. I just wanted to leap up and toss him on top of the ...

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