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A Night's Talethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 1138 words)

Author: may lynn
Added: Jan 14 2003Views / Reads: 1923 / 841 [44%]Story vote: 7.17 (6 votes)
What one girl does late at night when she is all alone.

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All right then, well I like to take my time, enjoy feelings and allow myself to move freely. That being said, last night, I undressed and turned off the lights and got into bed. Once I was under the covers the fun began. I was biting my lip and closing my eyes as my hand slid up the side of my large breast to my waiting and wanting nipple, my first finger and thumb slowly started to twist around my nipple, causing my body to respond rapidly, and sending pleasure vibes right to my pussy as I start to get wet.

Breathing a little deeper, my other hand finds my other breast and does the same sliding motion up to my nipple, twisting it, and rubbing it with my fingers, making both nipples hard and aching for more. My pussy was growing wetter as it showed it was loving every minute of the nipple torture. Still, the wait makes it more intense. So I free my lip from my teeth and let my tongue slip out as both fingers rush to it and I lick the ends of my index fingers.

My hips push up, calling for them, but they ignore the plea and go back to my nipples. I let the moisture hit them and it causes a small shudder and gasp. My hands now take up my breast and give them gentle squeezes and massage them until my pussy can't take it any longer. My hips thrust up again and I moan in a wanting, needing way. My right hand hears the call and trails down my soft stomach to reach my wet clit and slowly flicks across it. The new motion is mixed with my left hand still playing with my left nipple and my body tenses in pure ...

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