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The hauntings of InnishCourt Castle Part 1this story is part of the FanClub (ff:romantic, 4237 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Abagail Dressler
Added: Feb 23 2003Views / Reads: 3085 / 2418 [78%]Part vote: 9.00 (4 votes)
A romantic story about a haunted castle in Ireland filled with mystery and sexual excitement. If you’re looking for sex immediately don’t bother; but if you’re looking for romance and mystery leading to passionate sex – please read. Would love feedback t

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Sara's hands trembled as she clasped the letter and read the words again; "My dearest Sara, it is with sadness that I must say goodbye. If it were not for you, I would have been a lonely old lady. You have been such a treasure and joy to my life, and for that I am so grateful. I am leaving you the note to my great grandmother's property in Southern Ireland. InnishCourt is a mystical fortress we've had in our family for centuries. There is no one left in our heritage, so I bequeath it to you my dear in thanks for your kindness and generosity over these past years." Sara stood frozen and speechless. The kind old lady had died only days ago. She had treasured her friendship through the years. As Sara thought back, she remembered the day they had met. She was a sweet old neighbor who had appeared on her doorstep one evening with a loaf of warm baked bread and a kind smile. Looking back Sara could remember arriving in her new home, and feeling hopeless and lonely until the kind woman approached her door and became her friend. Through the years Sara had made it a point to visit her neighbor a few times a week. She always felt saddened that this generous woman had no family, so in an essence Sara became her only family. They would laugh, share fun stories, and talk about the world over coffee and warm baked bread and other scrumptious desserts on many occasions.

And now her friend was gone. Sara was stricken with sadness, but also somewhat relieved with a joy that her friend was in a better place and would no longer be alone. She had wanted to leave this world, and for ...

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