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A Not So Usual Datethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1256 words)

Author: minxx
Added: Jul 21 2003Views / Reads: 1149 / 861 [75%]Story vote: 9.00 (5 votes)
Anne wants to add some excitement to her sexlife. She has a ploy make him fall into her traps. What a wild night it becomes!

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We had been dating for over a year. We knew each other well by then, almost a bit too well. The sex was good but I wanted to show him a thing or two to keep things interesting.

We had a date set for tonight: dinner and a movie. Nothing unusual. It was perfect to try out what I had in mind. I had bought a new sundress. It wasn't anything spectacular but I looked great in it. It was a bit low cut in the front, just for a tease, and just covered my ass. I wore my favorite heels that made my legs look great. I decided to leave the underwear at home.

He pulled up in his car and I rushed out the door, before he had a chance to get out of the car. I climbed in the car carefully, not wanting to give away my plot.

"You look great tonight, Anne." "Thank you, sweet one," and gave him a long kiss.

We got to the restaurant and had to park about a block away. As we were walking, his hand went down to rub my ass. This is his usual way. I felt him pause tonight and realized he figured me out. I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back, stopped, held me close to him and kissed me hard. I could feel his dick getting hard against my belly. I thought to myself "This is going be easier than I thought!"


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