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White Rosethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 2354 words)

Author: Mistress Victoriana
Added: Aug 12 2003Views / Reads: 2062 / 1582 [77%]Story vote: 7.50 (2 votes)
This is part of a longer story dealing with Kayla a detective who is trying to solve The White Rose Murders and trying to solve her own personal life. This part deals with her realizing just how lonely she is and how much she wants to be with someone.

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It was 1:42 in the morning and I was still at the murder scene. Lately this had started to be routine which was not good. A serial killer was out on the loose and we still had no clues leading to any suspects. The man was good; too good. He left no clues behind; no fibers, hairs; not even fingerprints.

I sighed. I wanted to go home. I was exhausted. We had been waiting for the medical examiner to get to the scene that way we could all go home but she still had not gotten here. Jessica was probably at another crime scene which wasn't unusual since Jessica was the only medical examiner for 6 towns.

Mark Rupert a rookie who was quite attractive slowly made his way towards me as he handed coffee to the officers while they waited. Rookies always seem to get stuck with getting the coffee. Mark smiled as he reached me. He had been trying to go out with me since he joined the force. I had made excuses every time. It's not that he was unattractive; he just wasn't my type though lately I wasn't sure what my type was.

"Coffee Ma'am?"

"Yes Mark" I smiled slightly. I was too tired to really give him a full smile. I had been up for more than thirty six hours and it was finally starting to get to me. He handed me a cup and looked me over. ...

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