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Author: Brittany Picture in profile
Added: Sep 05 2003Views / Reads: 13320 / 11759 [88%]Story vote: 9.45 (11 votes)
What I didn't know about my fellow cheerleaders but soon found out.

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The day began like most others I got up, showered, dressed and headed to school. I'm a 19 year old senior in High school and feel I'm a pretty normal girl. My name is Tricia and I'm 5 foot 4 inches tall, with brown shoulder length hair, brown eyes and I weigh an even 100 pounds, and I have been told that I have a very pretty face. I live in a small mid-western town of about 25,000 people total, my high school graduating class only had 125 people in it. I went to school that day like I did most days. I wore my cheerleading uniform since the basketball team had a game that night and we had a pep-rally after school. The uniform comprise a red skirt with white in the pleats and a sweater that is mostly blue with red bordered white lettering. Like most of the squad I like to wear my skirt a little higher than my dad and mom would like, but not short enough to make the guys around school happy.

Anyway the day was pretty normal until study hall. Like most smart seniors I had 2 or 3 study halls a day since most of my requirements were completed, which gave me a whole lot of time to flirt and chat with my girlfriends. Anyway in study hall I was sitting in the couches with two of the other cheerleaders in the section of the library that had soft chairs and couches. We were joking and fooling around, quietly of course, and trying to get some work done. I was sitting with my feet up on the coffee table with my body slouched down a bit in the chair. This was pretty normal for me so I didn't think much of my pose until I noticed Jim, who was sitting directly in front of me at ...

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