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Variety is the spice!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2893 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Michelle
Added: Jan 14 2004Views / Reads: 5152 / 3879 [75%]Part vote: 9.08 (13 votes)
My eyes are opened when my friend and boyfirend and I get up to mishief

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I couldn't believe that I was sitting here in front of my best friend, after what had happened last night. Her silhouette bought back images of the night before, the touch, the taste, all still vivid in my mind. I felt the familiar wetness between my legs as I watched her slowly lather her body. It had started innocently enough, sitting around drinking; my boyfriend Brad, Rachael and I had been at the beach all day, lying in the sun, the three of us, soaking in the rays. The night had turned chilly; we had pulled on some light clothes over our bikinis, an open fire kept us warm. Brad got up to fix us another drink; they were really starting to have an effect on me. I lay on the floor; Rachael lay down beside me, rubbing my stomach, her touch felt so nice. Brad reappeared with the drinks and told us to get up; he was ready for some fun. He suggested a game of strip poker; with all the drinks in us we couldn't see the harm. Rachael and I have been friends for years, we are very close. I am slightly intimidated by her, the long legs, perfect breasts and I have seen her pussy on more than one occasion, her all over wax is so hot. I have a light covering of blond hair on my pussy; I have never thought about getting rid of it. I have often sat in front of the mirror whilst I finger fucked myself, I love the way my tanned fingers look as I shove them inside my pussy.

Anyway there we were, sitting in front of each other on the floor whilst Brad dealt the cards. I suggested that the winner of the hand had to choose the piece of clothing to come off and the next best had to take it off. They both agreed and we began. Whilst I am bad at poker, ...

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