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Mandy's Talethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 762 words)

Author: Mandy
Added: Jan 24 2004Views / Reads: 6631 / 2 [0%]Story vote: 7.33 (3 votes)
She tells Charley a fantasy

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Mandy's Tale by Mandy

editing - Charley Paul

I asked Mandy to tell me some of her fantasies one day and she replied, "You know, Charley, I have a hard time talking about those sort of things." Several hours later, she gave me this:

Seeing as I have a hard time telling you a story, I have decided to try writing you one so here goes:

It is a warm summer evening and we are sitting outside just enjoying the calmness, when a car pulls into the drive. You get up to see who it is and finds it is a couple that we had been corresponding with on a swingers' chat line; since they were in the area, they decided to pop in. We get them drinks and talk for a while getting to know Rich and Mary.

After a few drinks the conversation becomes very sexual and suggestive. When a little bit of time has gone by, Charley and Rich go to have a look at something while Mary and I discuss how the conversation was going and decide that it is time to get you two to do something more than just talk. We conclude that the best way is for us to start without you and see how you react upon your return.


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