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Maid of Ecstacythis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 1967 words)

Author: Maggie
Added: Apr 06 2004Views / Reads: 3646 / 3237 [89%]Story vote: 8.10 (10 votes)
This is the story of my maid and how we got to know each other

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I am a single woman, never married. I was engaged once. I do have a boyfriend, but it isn't a serious relationship. I work as a nurse, and I have to say I do pretty good for myself. I am not bad to look at either. I am 27, 5"4, 135 lbs., dark brown hair with some highlights, and olive skin. My breasts are a little small, but firm.

My decision to hire a maid was based on the fact that I work a lot of hours and sometimes getting home late nights or early mornings, I am tired, and just plain don't feel like picking up after myself. I like to have things in order, but there are a few things that I don't like doing, such as ironing and doing laundry. So I placed an ad in the local newspaper, and I was amazed at how many replies I received.

As I said, I work a lot of hours and really didn't have time to interview everyone. So I decided to do phone interviews instead. I wanted someone 3 times a week, and it seemed as if all of the ones I wanted to hire had other jobs, kids, and other things that kept them from being able to work 3 days a week.

Then I got a message while I was at work. The young lady told me that she was 23, single, could have a flexible schedule, and I found out that she also lived within a few blocks of my home. She said her name was Olivia. I asked her if she could meet me at my house at 4:00 p.m. the next evening so that I could show her what her duties would be. She agreed, and when I got home from work the next day, I made iced tea, ...

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