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Second Comingthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 9349 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Mick Maxwell
Added: Jul 28 2000Views / Reads: 1509 / 1016 [67%]Part vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
Revelation comes to GD, the bike messenger stud from Transit Trash. Across down, a relucant missionary experiences the glory of the Second Coming.

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The Second Coming Part I

"Believe in the Lord, or Perish!. Smite the Sinners, these Lepers in this Most Prideful of Cities or Surrender your everlasting soul to the Fiery Pit ! Oh Lord, lead us, Your Warriors, to the Site of Iniquity and make us Mighty in our Mission. Let us pray, let us work, for the destruction of those who would behave like beasts of the field, those who would befoul their humanity, those Unclean Men who would lie with other Men, who would penetrate each other with the staffs of Satan, who would... "

Caleb's face grew redder as his exhortations grew in violence. He stood in the aisle, his heavily-muscled arms stretched to the ceiling of the bus, fists clenched as sweat poured from his face and soaked his open-necked white tennis shirt. His erect tits pushed through the damp cotton fabric, standing proud on the hefty pecs. His thighs strained the tan cotton slacks as he stood, legs spread and slightly bent, as if he was bracing himself against the yet unseen forces of the Dark One.

Caleb's weapons in his crusade against Evil were his Faith and the compelling voice of his holy zeal. Only one passenger on the sparsely-seated bus noticed the more earthly weapon: the thick sword of flesh between Caleb's muscular legs, now apparently unsheathed and growing mightily as his lurid condemnations reached their crescendo. ...

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