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Josh and Brittanythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3603 words)

Author: Melissa Maren
Added: Jan 26 2005Views / Reads: 5546 / 5118 [92%]Story vote: 9.05 (20 votes)
Josh gets a visit from a hot young cheerleader looking for donations to her team, but Josh doesn't provide donations for nothing... This one gets into the action almost right away.

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Josh had just finished his workout when the doorbell rang. He walked to the front door wearing nothing but the basketball shorts he had been working out in and unlocked the deadbolt. He took a sip from his water bottle as he swung open the door but paused in mid-swallow at the sight of a stunning brunette in a cheerleader uniform.

She was short, only a little above five feet, and had short hair as well, with the longest of many layers falling just below her chin. The tips of each layer were flipped out slightly and she had different shades of blonde steaks running through it. She was very pretty with dazzling blue eyes and only light makeup. She had a light but shimmering shade of pink lipstick. Josh thought it must have been one of those metallic lipsticks he had seen in commercials, and he could not help but think how those lips would look wrapped around his cock with those bright blue eyes looking up at him. She had a slim build, but was by no means frail. Her breasts looked like they were a b cup, but they were perfectly proportioned to her small frame, and the v-neck of her uniform top exposed the top of her cleavage. The bottom of her top stopped an inch or two above her bellybutton and showed off a flat stomach with slight ab definition. Her waist tapered down from her shoulders until it flared into her gently curving hips. Her long, slender, well-toned legs were left mostly exposed by a provocatively short, pleated skirt that sat low on her hips and stopped just a couple of inches below the bottom of her ass. Josh felt a slight tingle in his crotch and realized he was staring. He started to say hello, but ...

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