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Lawyers in Lustthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 6625 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Martin Gatsby
Added: Jan 26 2005Views / Reads: 4069 / 3456 [85%]Part vote: 9.40 (5 votes)
A longer tale of the adventures of lawyers who discover their wilder sides thanks to a mysterious herbal mix. First of hopefully a series if people enjoy it. Please let me know where you'd like the story to go....

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Lawyers in Lust Copyright 2005 Martin Gatsby


The downtown Chicago law offices of Saunders & Graves occupied the top ten floors of the forty-five story office building at Wacker and Lake. It was a glittering gem that was at once beautiful in its clean design yet garish in its complete lack of history or spirit. The environment fit the practice of law like a glove.

On the 40th floor, the heart of the litigation department slowly pumped fees into the coffers of S&G. Brooke Strauss' office abutted the southwestern corner office of the floor. On the best days, Brooke caught glimpses of Lake Michigan through the patchwork of buildings. A fair amount of firm money and a great deal of her own personality ensured that her office exuded both taste and professionalism. Most law offices suffered from a bland atmosphere infused with sports metaphors and an adolescent longing for a day of golf. Brooke's office featured actual art work from local artists and more organization than should have been expected from such a busy lawyer.

Her assistant, Michelle, always remarked on how gracefully Brooke had decorated her space. The two young women made a good team. Michelle could have been a lawyer herself had she desired it, but she passed on the opportunity. A fairly well off uncle provided a sizable amount of ...

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