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After All These Yearsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 4450 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: majiklcerri
Added: Feb 01 2005Views / Reads: 2441 / 1776 [73%]Part vote: 8.80 (10 votes)
Two long time friends find them selves in each others arms after years of longing for one another. This story is a combination of fact and fantasy.

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Nick was up with the sun every morning. He loved to watch the sunrise as he drank his coffee. This morning was a bit different for he was not watching the sun rise. After poring himself a cup of coffee he walked down the hall of his apartment, quietly opened his bedroom door and leaned against the door frame. There she was, sleeping in his bed after all these years of being apart. He stood there against the door frame taking her in, her silky reddish-brown hair falling around her shoulders and framing her soft round face. She was laying on her side wrapped around his favorite pillow, the soft linen sheet tucked snugly around her body. He could see all the gentile curves of her body and was in awe of her. Nick stood there for several minutes before he turned and went back to his living room, sat down in his chair and finished his coffee. Nick got up, put the blankets and pillows he had used the night before back in the closet. He then went around straightening up the rest of his apartment being careful not to wake her. Once he was done he went and stared out his livingroom window, allowing himself to get lost in his memories of when they were teenagers. His watch beeped and brought him back to the present, when he looked at it he saw that it was 8:00. He smiled remembering how they had run into each other and all the things that led up to her being in his bed, even if he did not share it with her. He also remembered that he had promised her breakfast and he set to work.

Yesterday afternoon Nick had gotten off work early and decided to go to the park for a walk; after weeks of bad weather it seemed a shame to ...

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