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Your Toythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 1979 words)

Author: Mystique Picture in profile
Added: Mar 15 2005Views / Reads: 1556 / 960 [62%]Story vote: 9.33 (9 votes)
What would you do.. if a woman was to give herself up to you as your toy for the evening.. would it be something like this?

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I've been a very, very naughty girl.. I don't know what has come over me.. but I've just been at a constant state of arousal for weeks now... anywhere and everywhere.. whenever i can get a chance.. my fingers are tweaking my already hard nipples or are buried in my pussy or I've found someone to bend me over and fuck me good... my nipples are constantly hard.. and my pussy stays swollen and moist.. so i've decided.. what i need.. is someone to use me really well.. and I think your just the man for the job... what do you think? Hmmmm need a bit of incentive, do you?

So here is how I see things going.. we talk a bit.. not to much.. just the basics.. what are we into .. we decide to meet up.. and seeing as just talking to you about sex has my pussy dripping.. I know what I want.. you get the hotel room and call my cell phone telling me what room.. I knock on the door and you open it enough for me to walk in and close it quickly behind me.. without even saying hello... you push me to my knees... you know what I need... I toss my coat off.. and move my attention to your pants.. getting them off of you and freeing your already throbbing cock as fast as I can.. I wrap my hand around it and stroke it.. looking up at you... you say you have something for me.. and pull a small black leather collar out of your shirt pocket that has the word SLUT embedded on it in silver. You slide it around my neck and fasten it while at the same time pushing my mouth closer.. and tell me to suck your cock like the good little slut that I am.. I obey.. flicking my tongue over the head.. then licking the shaft up and down ...

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