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My date with Masterthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 1594 words)

Author: Master's Pet
Added: Dec 05 2005Views / Reads: 1820 / 1196 [66%]Story vote: 8.10 (10 votes)
BDSM, anal, oral

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I see your car as soon as i pull into the parking lot. I get out of mine and walk over to yours and you open my door from the inside. Immediately i hear "get in my pet". I sit in the car adjust my seat belt and look at the face of my Master. I find you are smiling at me as you pull out of the parking space. I hear you tell me to lean my seat back and raise my dress some and play with my pussy on our drive. I automatically utter "Yes Sir" and begin to do as i am told. You keep driving and singing to the radio while i am fingering my pussy. You pause long enough to tell me that i do realize i am not allowed to cum and again i automatically utter "Yes Sir" even though i am disappointed some. At every stop light or stop sign you go under the neckline of my dress and pinch my nipples to intensify my pleasure. We finally arrive at our destination, a motel you have arranged for in advance. You tell me to stop playing with myself lick my fingers clean and get out. I do as instructed and when i emerge from the car i follow you to our room.

As you unlock the door you turn to me and tell me when i enter the room to strip for you so you can see me without obstruction. You realize that this will be hard for me as i am so self conscious and you stroke my face and tell me not to worry that to you i will be beautiful. We enter the room and you shut the door and i begin to undress for you. I kick off my shoes and dawdling with my dress taking off the jacket first, i sense you walking up behind me and i hear your voice in my ear and feel your breath on my neck as you whisper take it off as i said pet don't keep me waiting. I strip my dress off over my head and stand ...

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