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Shock servicethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 1856 words)

Author: Yorky male
Added: Mar 29 2006Views / Reads: 3755 / 2932 [78%]Story vote: 8.56 (9 votes)
A pretty female takes her car for service, unaware she was about to get some attention of her own!

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It was Johns first day working at the garage. He had just left college, 18, average height, and what the girls would call "fit". Steve, the chief mechanic, looked him over and saw him as a threat to his male dominance in this particular establishment. Steve was 25, and quite a looker himself. The garage was very popular with the women in this small town, and it was easy to see why. In his overalls, Steve was dirty but rugged, and that's how I first saw him.

My car had been playing up for a while now, and was in need of desperate attention just like myself. I hadn't had a boyfriend in months even though I was forever getting offers. At the ripe old age of 24 (as I thought it was) I had my share of men, but was getting far too fussy

I walked into the service area at 10am, to see two men staring at each other. I have to say that I was taken aback with the older one, who was just how I liked my men....tall, short dark hair, and just a hint of muscle bristling under his manly overalls. The younger lad was shorter, but no less handsome. I actually blushed a little as they both turned to me.

I explained what was happening with my vehicle to the older one, who introduced himself as "Ste". He said he could look at it that morning and to pop back around 2. I left and did some shopping in the local town centre, but I seemed to have taken quite a shine to the mechanics, as I couldn't seem to get them out of my head. I needed a boyfriend, ...

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