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Noon Delightsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 902 words)

Author: Meechie
Added: Sep 14 2000Views / Reads: 1998 / 1 [0%]Story vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
A wife surprises her husband with a nooner.

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Noon Delights

I walk into your office quietly shutting the door behind me. You sense more than you hear me and raise your head. As your eyes meet mine I open and drop my long leather coat to the floor revealing, my naked body to your gaze. Reaching behind me, without breaking our steady gaze, I lock the door. Slowly I walk towards you, the only adornments on my lithe form are my shiny white, thigh high stockings, black stiletto heals and a long pearl necklace that circles my throat and falls to rest in the deep valley between my breasts, stopping at my navel. I walk around the edge of the desk, stopping mere inches from your chair. My smooth nether lips just inches from your mouth as you sit back in your chair watching my moves.

Looking down at you, I smile softly and run my hand down my throat and lower. I stop briefly to caress my aching nipples then slide my hands down my flat stomach. Grinning impishly I stop at the opening of my moist slit. I slide my foot across your chair to your crotch, rubbing softly, at the same time my fingers dip into my wet warm slit, stroking in time with that of my foot. My other hand pinches and pulls my erect nipples. I hear a low moan rumbling in your chest and feel your hands moving on my calf as your hips begin moving in time with my foot.

You shift until your warm fingers are able to reach my liquid heat. I ...

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