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Secret Wishesthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 2926 words)

Author: MoanyMoany
Added: Sep 20 2000Views / Reads: 1547 / 1066 [69%]Story vote: 8.67 (3 votes)
Things heat up for this couple on their fifth wedding anniversary with a kinky twist.

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Standing in the doorway, I wave and blow a kiss to you as you pull away in your car on your way to work. It’s only a matter of time before you start finding all the steamy notes I have strategically placed in your suit, briefcase and car last night after you went to bed which will give you an idea of what you are in for tonight.

Have you remembered it’s our fifth wedding anniversary? It’s been an electrifying affair from the beginning, and not one to let the passion of anything I love dwindle, I have planned the perfect way to celebrate.

I am changing the sheets on our bed, substituting flannel for red silk when the phone rings about 9:30. I know it is you before I even answer it.

“ Babe, I am sitting here, incredibly turned on because of you. I have a meeting in ten minutes and all I can think about is devouring your luscious body as soon as possible”.

“ MMmmm, hold that thought”, I moan, hanging up the phone, leaving you to your sexual fit.

At exactly noon, the phone is ringing again. Your heavy breathing makes me wish you were here with me. “ Do you KNOW what you are doing to me here with your provocative little notes”? ...

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