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My new businessthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex with toys, 1761 words)

Author: YPink
Added: Sep 05 2006Views / Reads: 1804 / 1485 [82%]Story vote: 9.00 (11 votes)
Tells about wife's new sex toy business, one-on-one, oral, and anal. My first story...would love some feedback!

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Hi, I am Kate...

I am an IT Manager by trade. I lead a pretty normal life, husband, dog, house in the burbs. Things were getting pretty ho-hum. And then my 30th birthday rolled around.

I started selling adult toys to spice things up a bit. Work was stressful and I needed an outlet, a way to add some enjoyment to my "job." My friends and coworkers mocked me. They could not believe that some one as prim and proper as myself would go to women's homes and talk about dildos. But I did and I have to say, my sex life...with and without my husband...was never better.

The inventory I had to purchase was very extensive. That first night I came home with 5 boxes...everything from bubble bath to chocolate paint to the largest dildo I had ever seen. Rick, my husband, joked that we should try it all out so I could truthfully understand my product! I nixed that idea quickly but told him to pick out a few items for us to try.

He looked like a kid in a candy store when I said those words...ahh the first shopping trip he had enjoyed in a long time! He grabbed some items and quickly hid them under the bed. I told him that they were my products, so I should at least no what he had picked out. But that was not his plan...he said that since I had taken such a leap out of the ...

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