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A Bewitched Halloweenthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2253 words)

Author: Mesmereyes
Added: Oct 23 2006Views / Reads: 613 / 456 [74%]Story vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
Halloween for Peter and a little black cat. They cast a spell of lust that must be sated.

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A Bewitched Halloween

It was a crisp autumn evening as a gentle breeze rustled the colorful fallen leaves in dancing swirls upon the ground as the moonlight began to illuminate the October night sky. It was All Hallows Eve. The night when the spirits and the spiritual came to life to roam the universe freely until the first light of All Saints Day. All of this revelry and mischief take place under the guise of a mortal's holiday known as "Halloween". Children dress in all sorts of colorful costumes calling out "Trick or Treat" and they carry their bounty in bags filled with delicious candies and toys. It was a night for carved pumpkins (so much easier than carved turnips as told in history) , black cats, and boiling witches brew. It was a night for costume parties, candied apples and hot cinnamon spiced cider.

It had been a long day for Peter. As he made his way home, he felt a sense of excitement building in the night air. As he approached his neighborhood, he discovered the streets leading to his home had been barricaded to allow the little ghouls, princesses and make believe animals, safe passage on their journey from home to home. He didn't mind parking his car and walking the short block to his house. He could always return later to move his car. Peter smiled at the children laughing and screaming in delight. He was pleased that they would be safe to enjoy this beautiful Halloween night. The cool night breeze surrounded him.on his leisurely walk home in the shadows. ...

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