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8 ballthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 4602 words)

Author: Mystique Picture in profile
Added: Feb 16 2007Views / Reads: 2450 / 1954 [80%]Story vote: 8.86 (7 votes)
It was just a friendly bet over a pool game..... but she never knew how much she would enjoy losing..

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8 ball..

Her fingers tapped against the cue stick in beat to the music.. she rocked gently as she faintly whispered the words to the song as it blared throughout the bar... She watched as her opponent sunk yet another shot.... the only bad part about playing... is losing.. but she was having fun.. she watched as his eyes lined up his next shot.. he looked so intense.. she only wanted him to look at her that way.. she stretched... with a little mew type sound escaping her.. it was cute.. and caught his attention.. just enough for him to notice her chest presented up and out as her arms were above her head... she saw the look flash over his face and knew it would be her turn to shoot soon.. it was shameful really ...how she would let him get just so far ahead in the game.. and be good.. then make some little movements or sounds to distract him and pull his attention away so that she could win.. they say the best way to play is to get into your opponents head.. then you could call the shots.... well she didn't just want in his head.. she wanted in his bed....

They had been dancing this dance for weeks now... maybe even months... little meetings here and there... a few drinks.. a few games of pool... great buddies.. then some soft kissing that ended way to quickly and she was in her car on her way home wondering if he was even interested.. his looks said he was... the way she could catch him arching his body to watch her bend to make shots... the way he always ...

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