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Mara's vacation Part 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 2218 words)

Author: Mara Ramos
Added: Apr 04 2007Views / Reads: 3119 / 2610 [84%]Story vote: 9.17 (18 votes)
Mara goes on a vacation by a special train and ends up having the time of her life! This will be the first of several parts.

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Although I have been a member of this site for years, I have never submitted a story..until now. I want to write about a recent vacation I took. I had not had a good vacation in years, and I really needed the break after a lot of recent stress at work and at home. You see, I had just broken up with my boyfriend of 7 years, and it was hard as we worked together. I had caught in our company "Wellness" Room with 2 girls and they were giving him the time of his life. I wasn't upset that he was getting a good hard fuck, I might have joined in had he asked. It was the lying, and sneaking around. So I told him that I needed the space, and to get out of my face so I could get my head on straight.

Oh me? I'm a pretty good looking girl, 140 lbs, 5'9 and have D cup breasts that drive men wild. When I went and cried to my friend Tina about what had happened, she simply said, "I know of a great relaxing vacation you can take. I have taken this trip about 5 times and I love it. The only way you can get on this trip is to know someone. You take a train down to Ft Lauderdale, and then you get on a nice little cruiser for a 5 day voyage. However, you have to be willing for anything to happen."

Since I was willing to do anything to get Will out of my head, I got the name of the travel agent and booked the trip. I figured I might find a ...

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