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Special Meeting for Special Friendsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2191 words)

Author: MistEri
Added: Aug 29 2007Views / Reads: 664 / 523 [79%]Story vote: 7.67 (3 votes)
They had chatted for a long time, sharing the joys and sorrows of their lives drawing close to each other through their shared confidences. One day they decided to meet.

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A Special Meeting for Special Friends

Misty and Eric - friends there for one another

They had chatted for a long time, sharing the joys and sorrows of their lives drawing close to each other through their shared confidences. One day they decided to meet.

Eric, an event planner, was working on an upcoming meeting on the east coast. He had been putting in some long days and was getting a bit frustrated with some of the worrisome details. Emailing and instant messaging with his friend Misty, he jestingly suggested, "let's go check out this meeting place in sunny Florida?" He loved to flirt with her and hoped to someday meet but never thought she'd ever agree.

Misty emailed back, "Hey - I have vacation time due and I would really love to come spend time seeing what you do."

Shocked and excited, "That would be so amazing," Eric said and he began to make arrangements for his meetings and getting her a flight from her home in the central southern part of the US.

She asked him, "While we're there, do you have a lot of meetings, or will you have time to show me around as well?"


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