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Herm-Aphrodite Risenthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:one-on-one, 8046 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Brittany Picture in profile
Added: Sep 13 2007Views / Reads: 4448 / 3645 [82%]Part vote: 9.71 (17 votes)
A surprising encounter with a surprising woman where all sorts of strange things ARISE. Brittany found that her new friend was more COCKY than expected

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It's me again, Brittany. Believe it or not I have been trying to write the third part of the party story, but so much occurred both too me and in general that it is hard to get it in the right order or written from the right point of view. In the interim, however something very interesting happened to me while traveling and I thought I take a break from beating my head against the wall on the other story, and write this one. Hope you don't mind the diversion, and even more, hope you enjoy the retelling as much as I enjoyed the happening.

I was on the road in Virginia, in the Richmond area, staying at a hotel that had a "Night Club" attached. Normally this doesn't mean much because most of these "Night Clubs" aren't well attended, and a far cry from the type of Night Club my traveling companions and I frequent. We arrived fairly early, about 9:30 after we were able to escape from the more refined atmosphere of dinner which was shared with a group of senior management. The 7 of us were, for the most part sober but happily on our way to a buzz. The "Night Club" being in Richmond, had a Country theme, which almost caused us to leave, but since we didn't want to drive we decided to stick it out. It being a mid-week night, we happened upon Karaoke night. By about 11:30 we were well lubricated, and had participated in the singing as the crowd of regular singers rolled in. We weren't very good, but we were fun, and the regulars seemed not to mind our antics. Some of the regulars were very good, and most dressed the part with hats and boots, full regalia. There were a couple of guys that came up a couple of times with tight ...

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