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Extracurricular Lovethis story is part of the FanClub (ff:sex at work, 4591 words)

Author: Bradley Stoke Picture in profile
Added: Jan 02 2008Views / Reads: 2239 / 1705 [76%]Story vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
Khadija sincerely cares for her students at the School of Sexual Studies where she teaches Practical Les. Both in the classroom and outside. She particularly cares for Azalea. Such a bright student, but so vulnerable too! Can she really cope with the pres

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Khadija surveyed the naked bodies in front of her. They were all girls and all final year students at the Khourigba School of Sexual Studies (or 'Triple S' as it was otherwise known). All students who'd opted for Practical Lesbian Studies as one of their final year courses. At least none of them would be virgins, that was certain. There would be none of that breaking in which she rather hated having to sometimes do with first year students. It was only ever women who were permitted to enter the college as virgins. Men had much tougher entrance examinations. The ratio of women to men was always disproportionately in favour of women, and given special dispensation to be so from the Ministry of Education which in most other matters was very particular about maintaining equal opportunities for the genders.

She was as naked as any of her students. Clothes were only permitted in her classes for those lessons where there was a very good reason for them. She welcomed the students and started her lesson by reading from the register, as she would always do until she knew them all. She smiled when she read out Azalea's name: a strange name and one she initially assumed to have been invented. So many girls chose to do this if they were intending to use their qualifications for a career in pornography. However, this was a girl whose career aspirations were in sex therapy and whose reasons for choosing practical studies were stated as being to help her understand the lesbian process rather than to learn techniques. Though, of course, technique was what a student mostly learnt in her classes. She always had a soft spot for Practical ...

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