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Late Night, Huh Dear?this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1351 words)

Author: Mika Stevens
Added: Oct 31 2000Views / Reads: 1250 / 958 [77%]Story vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
Being an online pervert never pays ... or does it? This is what happens when you get caught.

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Late Night, Huh Dear?

(c) June 4, 2000 by Mika Stevens

It was late when I rolled over in bed and noticed that he wasn't there. Knowing he sometimes had trouble sleeping, I got up to see if there was something I could do for him.

Slipping a robe over my silk pajamas, I made my way down the stairs. The light in the living room was off and there wasn't any glow coming from the TV, so I figured he must be on the computer. As I came around the corner, I could see a light coming from under the door. Bingo! I opened the door and my jaw dropped.

He was quite involved with what was on the screen, so he didn't hear me come in. As I got closer, I realized why. He was watching porn on the computer.

Two busty women were hungrily attacking one another on his 21" screen (so there wasn't much chance I was mistaking what I saw). No wonder he just had to have that monitor! 'It's so I don't go blind trying to work on AutoCad' he'd told me. This had nothing to do with engineering. Although, that brunette was using a T-square on the blonde.


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