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End of The Roadthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 9067 words)

Author: Miss Lynn Picture in profile
Added: Mar 11 2008Views / Reads: 654 / 544 [83%]Story vote: 9.71 (7 votes)
A lifelong dream comes to an abrupt halt. Trevor finds himself stranded while traveling Route 66. Discover what treasure he finds.

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Toby tightened the last bolt and grinned. The water pump on the truck had been a breeze for her to replace. She enjoyed her job as a mechanic even though some days work was sparse. She heard the telephone and answered it on the third ring.

"Bringing one in for you, Toby," the wrecker driver said as a greeting.

"Good timing, Mike," Toby replied. "I just finished a job."

"You got a spot inside?" he went on to ask.

"Put it in the end stall," Toby answered. "How far away are you?"

"I'm on the other side of Glenrio."

"Then I'll eat something and be ready when you get here," she explained.

After hanging up, Toby backed the finished truck out of the stall, and straightened up the workspace. She was just finishing her lunch when the overhead door opened. It occurred to her she hadn't asked what kind of vehicle was coming in. Toby glanced at the flatbed of the wrecker and almost stopped breathing.

She had to be dreaming. Toby shook her head and looked again only to see ...

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