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Neighborhood Thrillsthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 7973 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: Pelios
Added: Jul 04 2008Views / Reads: 12505 / 9904 [79%]Part vote: 9.36 (11 votes)
It had been nearly two years since losing her husband, and she thought nothing could fill that void...

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Neighborhood Thrills

From the Journal of Claire Madison I'm writing this on Tuesday after the events of last weekend. To be sure, I took little notes about what was happening throughout, but today I am reassembling them in the hope of better understanding what happened, as it was a somewhat life changing weekend for me. With no more ado, here it is.


I'm feeling a little depressed today, mainly because today is my thirtieth birthday. I don't really have a lot else to be depressed about but then, it just doesn't seem like I have anything really going for me anymore, nothing to energize me and focus on, nothing to lift my spirits. I'm just feeling sorry for myself, and I know it's disgusting. Aside from being thirty, my life is really okay. I have a good job as a researcher for a newspaper, which I don't even really need, at least not for the money. I am a widower and losing my husband nearly two years ago left me well enough off that I don't have to work, but I needed something to do with my time. So I took a job.

One of the few bright spots in my life is my friendship with Alyssa, my next-door neighbor's daughter. Today being Saturday, she was about due to arrive for afternoon tea, a custom we started on weekend days from the previous summer when I had hired her to help me out with the ...

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