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Personal touchthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1302 words)

Author: Yorky male
Added: Aug 20 2008Views / Reads: 949 / 724 [76%]Story vote: 8.00 (5 votes)
A trip to the tattooist brings the ultimate pleasure!

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This story began the day I decided to get a second tattoo.

My husband had always been against this particular tattoo, but I wanted one on my thigh and "hey, I can cover it up can't I?", so one day I just went for it.

The tattooist I was using was new to the town, and had built up a good reputation in the first few months of his shop being open. I'd never seen him, but one or two of my friends had and said he was great. "He's bloody gorgeous!" was the general opinion!.

Anyway, I went in on the spur of the moment, one Monday Afternoon. The shop seemed empty so I took a look at some of the standard artwork on the walls, as is the norm for a tattoo shop. "Hey" came a sound from behind me after a few moments. I turned round to see a very nice chap! He was quite tall, but very slim and well dressed. In fact, he looked impeccable in a nice t-shirt and tight jeans. I caught my breath and told him I was looking for a tattoo on my thigh. After the normal tattoo conversation he let me know that he had no bookings on this particular afternoon and could "fit me in" straight away. I giggled at the thought and found his mere presence very horny. It sounded like a line straight out of an 80's porn movie!

I chose my design, a very nice little butterfly and went to sit in the back room in his chair. He sat down at the side of me and started the ...

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