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He showed me what a 'true' road trip is...this story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 1060 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: mandy Picture in profile
Added: Nov 02 2008Views / Reads: 823 / 616 [75%]Part vote: 8.60 (5 votes)
You always manage to cause the animal in me to come out

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You told me you had a surprise for me this evening,

you told me to prepare for 'a lot', when I asked "what do you mean by a lot" you just smiled...that smile that makes me cringe inside yet stirs my innermost body parts.

My bottom lip curled down just a little as I looked at you and without realizing it you were running the crop between my lips, tapping as you went, letting me know I was to change that frown. I looked at you and the look in your eyes told me everything I needed to know. My head bowed, my eyes dropped and my fingers lay loose by my side, "Yes Sir, my body is yours to do with what you want". As I heard a sigh he said "that's my girl, now get ready".

I had been told what to wear, or should that be NOT to wear. The white button down mens dress shirt, to be buttoned from the fourth button down, the black skirt, the black high heels with the fuck me stockings as you would call them.

As I stood naked in front of the mirror, I put my lips together and rubbed them in and out, I looked down at my full breasts, and down to where I was shaven pure and clean.

The part of me that always wants to know 'what, when, how, why etc' was racing through my head. I reached around and grabbed the shirt, sliding ...

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