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Fall drivethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 1412 words)

Author: Mal
Added: Nov 12 2008Views / Reads: 612 / 466 [76%]Story vote: 8.89 (9 votes)
My lover gives and gets a show on the road

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It was another beautiful fall day. The sun was shining and the leaves were turning colors. Tari and I were sitting in the sunroom having a cup of coffee. I mentioned it was a shame to remain housebound on this autumn day. We were discussing what we should do when Tari decided we should go for a drive. I said, "It is warm enough, let's take the convertible". Tari said, why don't you get the car ready and I will go change. She was just wearing her silk nightgown at the time. I joked, "You look good enough to me". She rolled her eyes and told me to get going.

I went to get the car out of the garage and make sure the tank was topped off. I checked the oil and filled the tank. At the gas station I picked up a Penthouse (Tari's favorite) for some light reading. She always reads the forum section because it gets her horny. She enjoys looking at the pictures of the models also. She has mentioned several times how she has never had sex with a woman, but would consider it. She loves to remind me that she has masturbated with a friend or two, but never managed to move beyond that.

I returned home to pick her up. I was looking forward to how she would look. Tari likes to dress sexy and she likes the attention that comes with it. She looked amazing when she came down. She was wearing a short button-down sundress. The dress accented Tari's amazing figure beautifully! Tari is a 5'9" blonde and with a killer body at 34DD-22-26. The top was snug and she had it unbuttoned low enough to ...

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