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Forbidden Romancethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2100 words)

Author: Matt
Added: Jan 17 2009Views / Reads: 4193 / 3174 [76%]Story vote: 9.00 (5 votes)
Matt wanted something he couldn't have, how would he get it?

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He knew he wasn't supposed to like her. Let alone dream about her at night. First off, he was her boss. He could get fired if someone was uncomfortable with the situation, and on top of that, things could get really awkward at work. They did work 10 feet apart from each other. His office was connected to her work space. It was all wrong just work wise. To top it off, she was friends with another one of the guys in charge. What would he think if he found out about it? It didn't really matter about him, he was a jackass after all. It didn't hurt she was going to school to become a dentist or something like that. He did really like a girl in scrubs. For some weird reason that really turned him on.

He was going to tell her how he felt when he went in for his teeth cleaning at her school. He wanted to explore things with her. They had talked about sex in depth before. They basically knew what each other liked. Not to mention she was beautiful. She was 5'2 with brown hair with blonde and red highlights. He had only seen her in her work clothes, which was a t-shirt and black pants, but her body looked very intriguing, and her ass was amazing in black pants. But how was he going to tell her. How can you tell a co-worker that you want to sleep witht them? Well, he wanted more than just the sex, but from everything he heard her talk about at work, thats all she was looking for at the time. But he never made his move because she kept saying that she would never find someone good enough in this area of the country. She needed to move away. ...

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