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I Hate Secretsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 3926 words)

Author: Marsha J.
Added: Jun 12 2009Views / Reads: 2242 / 1882 [84%]Story vote: 9.29 (14 votes)
This is the story of me and the garbage men, but it's mostly about Dale, the strongest man I've ever known.

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I Hate Secrets. by Marsha

I hate secrets, especially between a husband and wife. I like things open, honest and out front and let the chips fall where they may. That's why I told Dale about writing about my adventure with the day laborers for EroticStories.com yesterday afternoon.

I sat him down at the computer and had him read the story. By the tent in his boxers it was obvious he liked what he read. By the time he'd read a few of the comments he had me bent over the desk, driving me like a jackhammer. It was a very satisfying experience. Afterward he told me to continue writing, but be careful not to give out any more personal information.

He was very complimentary about my writing style. I was elated. I never believed I could ever do anything to earn anyone's admiration or respect. He is such an accomplished person, a compliment from him really means something. We ended up re-reading the story twice more that evening and each time re-fucking. The last time I sucked him off while he read out loud. When we got to the part about my orgasm in his SUV he blew his wad down my throat.

One of the readers that responded to my story referred to Dale as a "cuckold" to which he said, "I suppose that's right, but at least I'm a cuckold by choice. I'll bet he's not." We both laughed for a long ...

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