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Petsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 4682 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: nightshade
Added: May 20 2000Views / Reads: 3723 / 1554 [42%]Part vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
when the animals of the world become humanoid, i teach my pets about sex, and love.

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pets by nightshade

"Another long day." i sighed to myself as i walked up the driveway to my house. "At least it's the weekend, and Molly and Callie will be glad to see me." Fitting the key in the lock, i paused for a moment at a sound just on the edge of hearing. A high-pitched buzzing, accompanied by a series of irregular thumps. "I thought so." i mused. Opening the door i stepped into the atrium as quietly as a mouse. removing my outdoor clothes, i slipped into the main hallway and slunk towards the bedroom. The sound grew louder and now i could hear a keening sound mixed in. I could see the door slightly ajar, so i put my eye to the crack and peered in.

Inside the room, on the bed, Molly was stretched out, her legs clenched around the vibrating dildo I could see poking from between her thighs, whilst her face was straddled by Callie, who was greatly enjoying the sucking and licking her cunt was receiving. Their bodies were jerking and writhing on the bed, and callie was making the keening in the back of her throat that i knew would lead to a glorious orgasmic scream. now i was closer, i could hear mollie's grunts and growls (muffled by callie's thighs) as the vibrator did its work. i could see they were both close, so i kept still and enjoyed the show. molly was humping up and down on the bed faster now, and i saw the way her thighs rippled as she neared release. callie's keening was louder and more strident now, ...

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