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Virtual Cuckoldthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:female domination, 1777 words)

Author: Serge
Added: Feb 09 2010Views / Reads: 985 / 801 [81%]Story vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
Martin was wondering: ‘how did I end up in this situation? And why did it take so long?’ He was watching his wife relax after her orgasm so intense he hadn’t witnessed in the 10 years they’ve been together. Here’s what happened…

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Martin had been very happily married to Kate for over 10 years now, their sex life was great and had actually become hotter over the years. Martin did have a weakness though: he liked the internet. And as they say in the musical ‘Avenue-Q': the internet is for... Just as a lot of other men he had looked at hundreds of sites and every now and then really got hooked on one of them. A couple of years ago there were the simple picture galleries, with later on the video and chat sites becoming more popular. He found out he really digged ‘amateur' sites like voyeurweb/redclouds where real women and couples posted pictures. Pictures of everyday people, some young and very attractive, some older and less, but overall he found them exciting. He secretly dreamed of taking photos with his hot wife and posting them for all to see. And even though they never really discussed it, Kate knew he wanted to...

A couple of years ago though he also got into chat sites. Eventually even making a profile of Kate and himself, and chatting with men, women and couples as if he was speaking for the both of them, although Kate didn't know about it. He thought... Until he came back from a business trip a year ago. She was furious, threatened to leave him not because he was doing it but because he was hiding it from her. They had a big fight with Martin feeling extremely sorry for what he had done behind her back and vowed not to do it again. She told him ‘two can play at that game', although she didn't care to elaborate on it (although the reader might be interested in her story http://eroticstories.com/my/story.php?id=43134). ...

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