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A Chance Encounterthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 27547 words)

Author: Rhino
Added: Apr 25 2010Views / Reads: 7800 / 7209 [92%]Story vote: 9.53 (15 votes)
Ever see someone so fine you wanted to meet them? Only you have a problem - you're married. Sometimes you just look, but what happens when you take the next step? Long story, but worth a read.

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A Chance Encounter

Sometimes things just happen. You don't plan them. You don't expect them. They just happen. Most of the time they can be bad, but sometimes the unexpected turns out to be ... well, a ‘wow' experience. That's what just happened to me.

The weekend started out just routine, even a little bit of a downer. I'd been having some car trouble for about a week - it just wasn't running right. Finally, I called the dealer and set up an appointment for early Saturday morning. My wife, Holli, agreed to meet me at the dealership if I would go grocery shopping with her. While that's not my favorite activity, I didn't have much choice. It was either spend the day at the dealer waiting for them to fix my car, or follow my wife around. Besides, it's usually fun hanging around with Holli. She's fun, cute, and has a killer figure. I like to watch other guys watch my wife. Besides, besides, it would just be the two of us, since the kids were spending the weekend at her parents.

I started early, because I wanted to get the work started. I explained everything to the service advisor, signed the paperwork and went out to wait for Holli to show up. I had time to go back in, get some of the free coffee, and drink the cup before she drove up in her minivan. Well, it was worth the wait. Holli looked hot, wearing tight fitting jeans and a form fitting pullover that highlighted her pert breasts. ...

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