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Heidi Hears About Jims' Sisters' Spanking!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 5811 words)

Author: Matt H.
Added: Dec 10 2000Views / Reads: 2952 / 2135 [72%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Jims' sister arrives home and earns a good spanking.

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Heidi Hears About Jim's Sisters' Spanking Chapter 19 By Matt H.

I could see in her eyes how happy she was and the words confirmed it all. We had a relationship that few our age could even dream about. The sex part was really only an added bonus, a delightful one at that. We got up after cleaning the areas and slowly got dressed. I helped her put on the bra, caressing her breasts before covering them, then gently massaged the mound between her legs, softly stroking that pretty red hair. She told me no panties for now, I might want to play a little more. After we were dressed we went down and sat on the couch for a while, cuddling some more until I looked and saw our time was about gone. We wandered to the door and we had our parting hug and kiss, a pat on the bottom and a feel of her warm wet pussy. I waved goodbye and walked home, thinking what a marvelous girl she was and how lucky I was.

I went up to my room and flopped on the bed and dropped off again. Mom got home and the car woke me. I met her as she came in the door and gave her a big kiss and hug and told her I loved her very much. She looked at me with wide eyes and asked what brought that on. I gave her a rundown on the happenings and our speeches and she grinned and said she knew the same feeling some years ago. "Your dad and I had about the same type of experience you are having and I can remember wondering why I was so lucky to have him and he told me he felt the same way about me. So now you know why we are so thankful you found Heidi and are ...

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