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Meeting Samanthathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 4402 words)

Author: Mark
Added: Jun 29 2010Views / Reads: 1715 / 1505 [88%]Story vote: 9.27 (11 votes)
Lonely, unloved and still a virgin, Mark's life is transformed when he is setup on a blind date with Samantha.

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It was a warm summer day and work seemed to be dragging along at a very slow pace. It felt like it should be half way through my morning shift but, when I looked at my watch expecting it to be about 11 am, I was flabbergasted to see that it was in fact only 9 am. Today was going to be a long day I thought to myself hoping that something would happen to make things more bearable. When it finally did reach 11 am, I hopped up from my desk and gingerly walked through the office block and down the snaking corridors until I reached the canteen for my well-earned mid-morning break.

I had only started working at the local engineering factory a few weeks earlier and so was still very much thought of as the 'new boy' by the people I had gotten to know in my short time there. Being a computer geek, I worked up in the offices but, had very quickly became friends with a group of the grease monkeys that worked in the factory welding, cutting and generally doing all the heavy engineering jobs. I grabbed a drink out of the vending machine and then joined the group of guys who were now all sitting around one of the larger tables in the canteen. It was pretty much the usual mid-morning conversation which inevitably was either moaning about work or talking about sex and women. As I sat down, it was clear that the topic of the moment was how hot it was and how they would prefer to be somewhere cooler sipping on a nice cold beer rather than working in a scorching hot workshop wearing heavy overalls and gloves.


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