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Jeff and Alicia - Part 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:female domination, 3609 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: mgvsboy
Added: Aug 23 2010Views / Reads: 1367 / 1142 [84%]Part vote: 9.67 (6 votes)
A submissive guy finds himself under the spell - and control - of his sexy, young co-worker.

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**Author's note: This story was posted here a couple years back, but for personal reasons I removed all my posted stories. I am reposting it now and hope you will enjoy it. I'd appreciate feedback if you have time to rate my stories. Later chapters include some bi activity, but the main thrust of the story is the female/male domination.**

My name is Jeff. When I was twenty-eight, I was working for a print advertising company. The company produced insert advertisements for local papers. My job was proofreading and I worked evenings. The company wasn't very big and there were usually two of us working in proofing during the evening hours. The business was located in a four story building in a suburban industrial park. My department was on the second floor. The print room ran 24 hours on the first floor, but during evenings and mids there was only one guy on duty down there. Janitorial staff came in around 1 a.m. to clean the building so it was fairly quiet during the evening. The third and fourth floors of the building were occupied by different companies who only worked during the day.

I didn't mind working evenings because my social life was fairly non-existent. Physically, I'm about 5'8", around 170 with brown hair and brown eyes and I'm in okay shape. Not muscular or built, but not bad either. I never seemed to have much luck getting women to notice me or go out with me. I had dated a few women and slept with a couple, but for some reason, they always seemed to lose interest and move on to ...

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