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a great viewthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 763 words)

Author: youngguy
Added: May 20 2011Views / Reads: 1165 / 5 [0%]Story vote: 7.00 (2 votes)
my first view of thong underwear.

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Thanks for those who are reading and i hope you enjoy. This is my first story so if you want to help me out that would be great. This story i don't think is all too exciting but thanks if you read it anyway.

Well i was 18 when it happened, I know it sounds rediculous but it's true. It's not like i'm ugly or anything just all the girls i ever was with did not wear thongs. I'm not going to say my name just yet but i will say that i am athletic and have been involved in plenty of sports since i was very young. Standing at about 5"11' with green/hazel eyes 160 pounds decently flat 4 pack stomach with a tiny bit of hair, average but hard pecs and a powerful lower body. Anyways...getting on with it.

Like i said i was 18, just heading to a friens from the store with a 12 pack in hand ready for a good night with some friends, when i arrive his very attractive and older sister opens the door tells me nicely that my friend is not home and that i can wait in the living room and watch tv until he gets home. Naturely i do as i'm often there sometimes when noones even home. His sister is very beautiful with a fantastic body, she runs and play volleyball often shes a bit shorter than me about 5"10' c cup breasts(i think) a very flat stomach, muscular but very sexy legs and her just a tiny bit bigger than average but is tight and looks great with the shape of her body.

Anyways i'm sitting in the living room skimming through the channels ...

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